Monday, November 29, 2010

Coolest Gadgets "Animal Weighing Scales- now you can proove you weigh as much as a small elephant

We’ve all done it. Got out of the shower, stood in front of the mirror and proclaimed to the world at large (or to your rubber duck anyway) ‘Oh my god- I’m easily as fat as an elephant!’. I know I have.  Especially the part about the rubber duck (I seem to have amassed a collection…).
Now, if you’ve a caring significant other, then they’ll immediately proclaim that you’re a svelte as a snake. If you’ve an honest significant other they may agree with you. Either way, now you can actually find out what animal you really do resemble in weight, and in future bemoan (or celebrate) with factual accuracy.
These Animal Weighing scales measure you to the nearest rabbit, or other animal, and I believe are more of a novelty product instead of my earlier ‘factual accurancy’ quip. The animals get bigger as the weight goes up obviously, but one of the images on there is clearly a frog, and I think I’d be dragged straight to the doctors if I actually weighed that little. But it’s an amusing gag gift to consider for Christmas, for that person who just won’t accept that they’re just a regular size, or perhaps for that person who really should not be having eighth helpings of turkey…
It would be even cooler (and even more ‘wtf’ worthy) if they were an accurate comparison. It could be beautiful- instead of desperately trying to keep under a certain number, you could compare your diet with your friends using the phrase ‘I was a bear last week, and now I’m down to being a horse’. Would be amusing to see what the clientele at Starbucks thought when they overheard you.

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